How do you become a Stripper??

How do you become a Stripper??

Hello, my loves! And WELCOME! To a space I hold close to my heart as I dive into my journey of finding self-love, acceptance, worth and working as a Stripper. 

This series will tap into the finer details of stripping and the reality of the industry.


Now I know you're probably thinking, "How do you become a stripper?"

Well, first - let me introduce myself.


My name is Davina. I'm 28 years old, very much a Virgo, and a single mother of one sassy little girl and two fur babies. I work 4 jobs, one on a casual basis, and I come from a cultural background stemming from the Cook Islands and New Zealand; however, I was raised in Australia by my mother as a single parent of 3.

I have childhood trauma, was diagnosed with post-natal depression and anxiety, and am a survivor of Domestic Violence.

That is my journey. It's one I keep to myself and only a small circle of close friends who know me on a deeper personal level.



Becoming a stripper has played a massive contribution towards my journey of self-love. Within this industry, I've learnt

  • how to hold and carry myself confidently
  • how to handle rejection
  • the importance of not judging a book by its cover
  • the importance of setting goals and having a purpose
  • to always listen to your instincts and your body and
  • how to read a room/person's energy


The most significant thing this industry has taught me is finances, the hustle and how to be smart with money.

Not every night is the same, so don't depend on it, but most of all, you get what you put out, and I stand by this in my everyday life.


Learning the ropes of the industry was an emotional rollercoaster; 

  • finding my targeted clientele wasn't easy
  • adapting to an alter ego with a new name
  • learning flow in the movement was a learning curb even with a background as a dancer.

And dancing fully clothed for yourself, as opposed to dancing fully naked in front of someone whose eyes are focused on you and whose hands are physically allowed to touch you, is a considerable change. It's scary. 


As with any job, it has its ups and downs. However, if you're genuinely considering giving this industry a go, follow this series as I tap into my personal experiences in depth with you and see how you feel about it. If you were in my shoes, how would you have reacted? Ask yourself the questions first:

  • What's my purpose for doing this?
  • Am I in the right position mentally to do this?
  • Do I have a strong support network through this?
  • Am I prepared to walk away from the money if it isn't healthy for my mental health?


It's more challenging than walking into a club and having money thrown at you, as seen in movies. It's not easy at all, PERIOD. Stripping is the most challenging job I've ever encountered by a long shot, physically and mentally.



Some of you may currently be on your journey to finding this; others may be hesitant to begin yet full of desire. Regardless of where you are, I hope you find this series both motivating and inspiring to never give up on yourself and always choose yourself daily.

Now that you have a brief insight into me on a deeper level and a little insight into life as a stripper, really think about it.

Join me on my next blog as I take you on a ride during my best, worst, funniest and weirdest moments working in the club.


Davina xx

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